I have been making art my entire life.

I am passionate about bringing memories and images to life through color and texture. My hope is that my pieces will bring a smile to your face, or remind you of something special.

I come from a family of artists. My mother and grandmothers were accomplished artists, so it’s in my blood. In fact, one of my first pieces of art, made as a child, was a kitten made of paper.

I spent most of my adulthood raising four kids with my husband, working full time and just doing life. In this next phase, I am realizing that I am the most centered when I am creating stories on canvas. I returned to my roots when I began working with torn paper. While my technique has evolved, my love of using paper and texture has remained.


I’m inspired by the places I’ve traveled and the places I still want to go.

I’m inspired by artwork from different cultures.

I’m inspired by nature.

I’m inspired by my beautiful family.

I’m inspired by you.